Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Chocolates are good! Too bad they're Kate's, because they look so yummy right now...

Right! My name is Mia, also a Seeker. Hello to you all! I'm also new to blogging, but it looks fun! So, where should I start? From the beginning? Alright!

I first heard about Slenderman from, who else could it be but, Brant! Yay! So you can blame him for sucking me into this mess! Anyway, heard about it from him, yadda yadda yadda, and here I am today. I know, I skipped a lot, but I don't like typing. I don't like computers either, but I guess I'm going to have to get used to them if I'm going to be around Kate. She's a comp-a-holic. ^.^

Jon's sitting in a corner now, being all sulky and stuff. I just got in and stole some of Kate's candy, which is why she's flipping out and complaining to herself. Michael's okay. I left him with a baby-sitter for a while. He keeps telling me he's too old, but he's still my baby brother. And he's still annoying as hell!

According to Kateness, Brant's been all fussy about staying overnight with her. That makes me nervous. I know he's not like that but...he could be...possessed. Hehe! Naw, I'm just kidding. I probably shouldn't have had that Red Bull before I got in...

Kate tried to make an account for Jon, but he's throwing a hissy fit about just making this blog. He's afraid we'll be followed or something. I gots one word for you, Jon: Get over it! Wait, that's three! Brant should probably hide those chocolates, because that's one thing I do NOT need right now! Anyways, I'm out for the night!



  1. w00t chocolate! =/ I think it would burn my mouth though.

  2. Aw! Try wrapping toilet paper around it first! But god, those roman nougats are the best. Seriously.

    Haha, Kate sings loudly in the shower!


  3. Erm...epic fail. It hurt a lot.
    That's such a Kate thing to do.

  4. Hehe! I'm sorry! I thought it might work. But it was a good try right? :(

    Yes, very Kate-like. And the worse thing was that Brant was right outside the door. Thank god she had a towel on. Poor thing. She deserves chocolates!


  5. Am I wrong in assuming something is up between those two, Mia? Or am I reading into this way too much? Might be because the only male contact I've had in a while have been my brother, an idiot, a nerd, and some Cuban guy about six years older than me. But yeah...I'm totally picturing them in the next room over, reading this together, laughing.


  6. Haha! You're funny Angie. Well, if anything is going on, I'm on team KatexBrant!

    I'm so going to get my ass kicked for saying that.

    And when you said you're picturing them in the next room over, I was about to stop reading it right there and exit off the browser. Which is how I know to finish the sentence first. Because that wouldn't have made any sense.

    Anyway...you do know he's two years older than her? o.O

